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DTSA becomes ‘founding’ Member of the UK-US BIWG!

“He is never late and never early; nothing before God’s time”

_ Abisogun OBE

The reality of our trials and tribulations can always be expressed in words, but how often can [or do] we exhibit the by product(s) and value-based outcomes in a joyful ‘visual’ representation?

Following my earlier post on 19th May 2023; see link below


DCS Website:

And the amazing follow up recognition and post-event uploaded on 23rd June 2023 as presented by the Building Innovation Hub, based in Washington DC; again see link below


Building Innovation Hub Website:

So, I wanted to take this ‘milestone’ opportunity to update DCS Members and our wider community of friends, allies and industry observers / stakeholders, on what actually transpired during that amazing trip which has culminated into an array of interesting conversations and future endeavours for all parties and partners involved; conveyed in pictures and an array of images.

In addition to Charing the RICS Global Construction & Infrastructure Conference on the same day [24.05.23], enjoy the timeline of an amazing week in DC …... [God willing] more updates to follow over the coming weeks and months.

Moving swiftly onto my other 'main' event of the day, hosted at at the British Embassy, facilitated with a warm welcome by Hadiza Bamgbose, Trade & Investment Officer [Clean Energy, Infrastructure & Digital Construction]

We started the proceedings, with a passionate and empathetic, opening statement by Tommy Wells .........


And thankyou Theresa!!

Building Innovation Hub Website:

What an amazing panel; thank you all.

Building Innovation Hub Website:

And we concluded:

More updates to follow; stay tuned _ leaving a legacy through #ServantLeadership!



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