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DCS Chair supports Next Generation of Leaders at WYLA, London

“Nurturing future leaders is no longer a past-time, it has become a way of life; thankfully I am not alone in this endeavour. Successful Black men across the UK are giving back and it's great to be a part of a wider, culturally competent eco-system of domain expertise and shared, lived-experience(s)” _ Abisogun OBE

Credit: Aspire Consultancy Limited

Via kind referral from entrepreneur and business owner, Dr Carlton Brown _ author of the Black Entrepreneur Report 2021, and despite the fact that we had shared the stage back in 2019, Brother Andrew Muhammad, one of the UK’s leading Black inspirational and motivational speakers [aka The Investigator] contacted our Founder & Chairman, Bola Abisogun OBE on the 10th May 2022, requesting his presence by way of a short 3 minute telephone conversation.

Credit: The Investigator / WYLA

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

Credit: WYLA

A community place-based initiative, for young men and women, who even in their formative years, completely understand and relate to their desire to succeed and positively contribute to society .......

Credit: WYLA

An email was received on the same day and Bola arrived at the premises of Newman Catholic College, the home of Westside Young Leaders Academy [aka WYLA] on 14th May 2022, for a prompt start at 10am.

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

Enroute into the building, Bola was met with comforting smile and firm handshake of industry legend, none other than the infamous Brother Leo Muhammad, a key UK figure in the area of Black History and Cultural Identity; and staunch supporter of Westside Young Leaders Academy.

Credit: The Investigator / WYLA

Having navigated his way into the room of Mentors, Bola met with comforting smile and firm handshake of industry legend, none other than the infamous Brother Leo Muhammad, a key UK figure in the area of Black History and Cultural Identity; and staunch supporter of Westside Young Leaders Academy.

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

The kind invitation from Andrew, was directly related to the key activities of the WYLA Saturday Academy which also included the 'authentic' WYLA Drill, where all of the young people [and on occasion the the visitors / mentors too!] get to observe and then participate in a ‘series of verbal instructions and sequences’.

Credit: The Investigator / WYLA

Inspired by the entire WYLA leadership team, it was a joy to watch, and an ever better ‘lived-experience’ which was thoroughly enjoyed by all of the Mentors that participated on the day.

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

The learning style was authentically delivered by Brother Andrew Muhammad, whose main objective was to instill a 'value-based' approach to knowledge of and 'respect for self' for the young men in the room .......

Credit: The Investigator / WYLA

Credit: The Investigator / WYLA

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

So many conversations and debates, delivered in teams of five, with each of the attendant Mentors performing the role of captain ...... breaking bread and sharing valuable life-lessons, through lived-experience, with future leaders was the highlight of the day for Bola ...... image 1 of 7

Credit: WYLA

Credit: WYLA

Breaking bread and sharing valuable life-lessons, through lived-experience, with future leaders was the highlight of the day for Bola ....... image 2 of 7

Credit: WYLA

Breaking bread and sharing valuable life-lessons, through lived-experience, with future leaders was the highlight of the day for Bola ...... image 3 of 7

Credit: WYLA

Credit: WYLA

Breaking bread and sharing valuable life-lessons, through lived-experience, with future leaders was the highlight of the day for Bola ....... image 4 of 7

Credit: WYLA

Breaking bread and sharing valuable life-lessons, through lived-experience, with future leaders was the highlight of the day for Bola ....... image 5 of 7

Credit: The Investigator / WYLA

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

The need to appreciate and partake in critical thinking is a skill that must be nurtured from a young age, and the young men stepped up and were 'consistently consistent in their application ....... image 6 of 7

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA

“If you lose all of your material wealth and possessions, what would you have left? Nothing is completely wrong, because – just as you have been taught so well – you will ALWAYS have the twelve (12) leadership traits, written on the back of your shirt….” _ Abisogun OBE

Our final conversation covered the pain of rejection and inevitable failure. "Dusting yourself down, recailbrating and starting from scratch is always possible, as long as you are preapred to be honest in your learning from past mistakes and putting those same experiences to good use. #Failfast and #LearnQuickly" ....... image 7 of 7

Credit: DiverseCity Surveyors / WYLA



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