C40 Cities invites DCS Chair to promote Digital Twin Skills Academy

Regardless of size and/or geographic location, EVERY construction project needs three things,
people, finance and insurance! _ Dr Abisogun OBE
When you hear about conversations the refer to #NetZero and #Decarbonisation _ do you ever think #GreenConstruction #CleanConstruction or even #SaferConstruction …. ?

Credit: "DreamTeam" _ Guiliana Huerta-Mercado GLA [L] Dr Bola Abisogun OBE [Ctr] and Dan Daley, C40 Cities [R]
Our Founder and Chairman, Dr Bola Abisogun OBE, was contacted by the Office of the Mayor of London, which was an attempt to build upon previous support in our joint commitment to diversify the pan-London construction sector, with a specific focus on Young Black Men. Dr Abisogun OBE, has chaired the award-winning Moving on Up initiative since its inception back in 2012/13 and after a strong and well documented decade of growth, took the decision to stand down earlier this year; the sole focus, now being the Digital Twin Skills Academy CIC [aka the 'DTSA'].

DiverseCity Surveyors maintain a longstanding working relationship with the Mayor of London via the GLA and have contributed extensively to their WIN Design Labs initiative.....

......... and having dialogued with and received firm instructions from GLA colleagues Rommell Wallace, Giuliana Huerta-Mercado, both from the WIN Project Team and Phyllis Abebreseh [Senior Social Integration Officer] we agreed to support the event.

Credit: C40 Cities [Latest News]
Called ‘Project VISIBLE’, and supported by the Laudes Foundation this pivotal gathering, held at the Good Hotel [a stone’s throw from the ‘new’ City Hall, over at Royal Victoria] in London, was in fact the launch event of a new two (2) year international project involving three Mayors and cities, London, Madrid and Oslo. At its heart, this ‘pilot’ project seeks to identify and promote ‘equitable and viable construction and renovation models’.

Credit: C40 Cities [Latest News]

Articulated by Mr Dan Daley, C40 Cities _ Clean Construction & Just Transition Senior Manager [London], the specific ask of Dr Abisogun OBE, was to introduce his new venture, the ‘not-for-profit’ Digital Twin Skills Academy CIC, which is also based in London

Dr Abisogun OBE, spoke of his longstanding ambition "to equip young people across the world with digital twin skills [both hard and soft] targetting the urban inner city cohort [between the ages of 16 and 25years] and educating, empowering and inspiring them to enter the world of ‘digital construction"

You can read the C40 Cities 'official' PRESS RELEASE _ here
And, you can access Dr Abisogun's presentation via the link below

Credit: Steve Craig, concluding his ambitions for better working conditions [Unite the Union]
With a clear and passionate commitment from Steve Craig, National Development Officer at Unite the Union / representative at BWI Global Union, we look forward to supporting the work of this amazing cohort over the next two years via the Digital Twin Skills Academy CIC.