Board Members to launch UCEM / DCS Mentorship Programme

“…….. Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé) ……..” _ Bozeman, B.; Feeney, M. K. (October 2007)

Irrespective of where you are in your professional surveying career, at DiverseCity Surveyors 'DCS', we truly believe that anyone and everyone deserves a mentor. Designed by Surveyors for Surveyors, not one (1) but two (2) of our esteemed Board Members have finally scoped a global solution that will meet [and hopefully] surpass the challenging multi-faceted needs of the growing, global UCEM talent pool. Karen Ching MRICS from Deloitte and Nikki Bulteel MRICS from UCEM will be leading on this, global initiative; [initially] focussed in the UK.
Drawing upon a hugely influential alumni, we intend to create an exclusive eco-system that will provide participating members with influence, knowledge and guidance.

Credit: University of Wolverhampton [1994]
“At the core of this pursuit, is a dire need to provide a ‘culturally competent’ support mechanism that mimics exactly what I needed at the beginning of my career in the mid-90’s. When I graduated in 1994, with a Dbl 1st, I suddenly realised that ‘being gifted and talented’ was simply not good enough. I needed access to and evidence of a lived-experience that chimed with my day-to-day realities and was relatable to me. 27years later [in 2021], my greatest personal ambition is about to be realised via DiverseCity Surveyors, it’s a truly humbling milestone in my own personal career” _ Abisogun OBE

Credit: UCEM Online Academy
Leading the charge from a UCEM perspective, DCS Board Member Nikki Bulteel MRICS had this to say:
“DiverseCity Surveyors and UCEM have joined together to provide a Career Mentoring Programme to support UCEM undergraduate students from the Black, Asian and minority ethnic community [otherwise known as BAME]. Mentors will be drawn from the DiverseCity Surveyors network and will work with individual UCEM undergraduates to support and nurture their career development and aspirations. This opportunity will benefit UCEM students who will get an industry professional’s objective support to develop their career and achieve their career goals.
Each mentoring relationship will be unique as individual’s needs, experiences and circumstances shape the goals and conversations between students and their mentors.” _ UCEM Student Outreach Team

Oh, and just for the record, our Founder & Chairman, Bola Abisogun OBE FRICS has four (4) ‘key’ mentors, two (2) of whom are based in the City of Atlanta, USA and the other two (2) are based in the City of London, UK. All four are well documented professionals, industry giants, and indomitable leaders in their own right. All of his mentors, have been integral to his own personal achievement(s) and mission-driven career development goals. Bola remains indebted to all of his mentors, as well as to his 'other industry allies' and he will continue to reflect the 'standards and values' that they have individually and collectively impressed upon him during his own challenging, but well documented, circa three decade long career in Surveying. Despite his gains and losses, Bola is still #PayingItforward and #GivingBack _ more announcements follow.