#BHM2023 _ends with a note of optimism from City Hall

"Despite talent having no colour; being good, is simply not enough" _ Dr Abisogun OBE
In a world that speaks to meritocratic norms, it has come to light by many and for many, that natural gifts and other God ordained talents are simply not enough to ensure personal success, be that in the home, office or elsewhere. In recognition go the contributions that Black people have made across the world, Black History Month beam a thing with the sole ambition of promoting and celebrating the amazing achievements achieved, across the world, despite the odds.

Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland and the United Kingdom.
It began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated in February in the United States[4] and Canada,[5] while in Ireland and the United Kingdom it is observed in October.[6][7]
Credit: Wikipedia

Following an amazing event, held just last month, this year I was fortunate to have caught up - over a coffee - with the incumbent RICS President, Ann Gray FRICS who is an ally in the conversation for greater 'diversity of thought' and a much more representative profession.

The theme of the event was 'Advancing Racial Equity' and was held at RICS HQ on 13th September 2023.
There were a number of discussion panels and an increasing number of conversations that sought to challenge the status-quo, and were founded in the great work of the MoU 6 / partners; who came together last year and have committed to working together to share, deliver and promote best practices _ CIOB Press Release - July 2022

The theme for #BHM2023 was 'Celebrating our Sisters' and we did just that ............

It was a great event, with a diverse audience of participation, drawn from across the industry

Good to see the presence of the EDI trailblazer too in the form of Louise Brooke-Smith .....

The panel discussions were curated to be informed and provocative

More celebration of and with 'our Sisters'

Since the tragic killing of George Floyd Jnr in June 2020, I have worked with tirelessly with plenty of stakeholders including the RICS, who have pledged to unpack the challenge and largely unwritten historical backdrop. All of the above builds upon previous efforts that began in 2020; all captured below.

Thank you for your unwavering leadership Richard; enjoy your next chapter / retirement .....

And the following day [on 14.09.23] the chance to build upon my ten year / decade long effort supporting the Mayor to London promote the challenge to Employers as we pursue access to well paying jobs / careers for Young Black Men across London, as seen below via the launch of some new Employer Toolkits.

Ready to engage at City Hall ...!!

The great and the good from DWP were also present, Mr Tony Hyland MBE

And great to meet the Deputy Mayor for London too

A great mix of third, public and the private sector .....

A great keynote by and electric panel discuon too!!

and a reminder from the Mayor of London and his quote from October 2020 ....

Finally, if we could achieve more through procurement then the economic imbalance could also be addressed.

Lot's still to do - so let's keep pushing, God willing see you next year.