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Industry disruptors secure RICS support with the launch of #PQS2030

There is no doubt that business models have to change, particularly when technology does not recognise [or care for] emotional attachment. It is time for the industry and the allied professions to see the sector specific #mashup for what it is and seek to position, or reposition itself, for the foreseeable future.

Much has been written about the need for the construction industry [and allied professions] to change, for such change to be industry led and for all industry leaders to recognise that they all have a collective duty [not only to their individual firms and bottom-line] but more importantly, to and for the sustainability of the sector. The prima facie document in this space, #ModerniseOrDie published during October 2016, was commissioned by the UK government, led by the Construction Leadership Council and undertaken by the industry renowned Mark Farmer, CEO of Cast Consultancy. By his own admission, Mark is still chasing the entire sector for answers and ‘credible evidence’ of improvement, in the areas listed below that continue to dog the industry [in particular the housing market] and include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Consistently low productivity

  • Underinvestment in Training, R&D and Innovation

  • Prevalent ‘self-interest’ (survivalist) business models

  • Disconnects between Industry input(s)/output(s) and Client need(s)

  • An inability to embrace new methods #MMC and/or business models

Within the foreword of the aforementioned, much lauded report, previous Co-Chair Andrew Wolstenholme OBE referred to the report as being “…..a challenge for all – the industry, its clients and the UK government….. Its recommendations are focussed on finding and unlocking the drivers of change, including action to support predictability of demand and on leadership to own the change…..”

It was and remains an uncomfortable truth due principally to ‘business as usual’ that little if anything has progressed in any meaningful way, particularly behavioural change at Senior Level [e.g. the monumental collapse of Carillion in Jan 2018, with debts of £1.5bn and a pension crater of £2.6bn].

Alan Muse, RICS and Bola Abisogun OBE, DCS

Today, [1st November 2019] marks the beginning of a new chapter in recognition of #PQS2030 which is an informed and tangible opportunity to effect meaningful and measurable change across both the construction sector and wider surveying profession, with a particular focus on the role of the Cost Manager [aka QS]. This initiative has evolved from a shared, long-term vision between DiverseCity Surveyors Founder and Chairman Bola Abisogun OBE FRICS and Alan Muse FRICS, Global Director of the Built Environment, RICS. With cost and value being the pre-eminent, determining criteria for a ‘go’ or ‘no-go’ project commencement, we feel that #PQS2030 will prove to be an appropriate area to begin to manifest Mark’s desired outcomes & recommendations and ultimately, #BeTheChange that we all need to see.

These are incredibly challenging, but equally exciting times for the 'global' cost management profession and the need to ‘go back to basics’ in order to move forward, with clarity and conviction…….. has actually arrived. So, moving forward, please take note of #PQS2030 and follow us on Twitter @PQS2030

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