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RICS Governing Council Elections 2019 concludes with DCS AGM


On the 17 October 2019 and as part of the evolutionary journey at RICS, the formal process of Member elections has commenced and will conclude on 21 November 2019. The results of the successful members elected to serve on Governing Council will be announce in exactly 1 month, on Friday 22 November 2019.

Of particular relevance to DCS Members is the fact that our first AGM will be held on the same day as voting ends; more coincidence than anything else. Notwithstanding, and of equal importance to DCS Members, is the purpose and criticality, of both signature events.

Similar to RICS, the purpose of the DCS AGM will be to sufficiently set out and articulate the future actions of our organisation [i.e. our member network] and critique whether we are meeting our predetermined core values, which precipitated our establishment back in 2006.

In the case of RICS – and due to be held in December 2019 – “….the AGM is an opportunity to reflect on the actions of the organisation and scrutinise whether we are meeting the criteria of our Charter….”

Key themes [and outcomes] of the Governing Council Election process proffer that:

  • This is the first election for the 15 market seats that were created as a part of RICS governance reforms that the profession voted for at the end of last year [2018].

  • Having a modern, nimble, and diverse governance structure is a critical part of the RICS business transformation work to ensure RICS keeps up with some of the monumental change going on in our markets around the world

  • Governing Council sets the overarching strategy for RICS and helps us all [as Surveyors] in our mission to deliver confidence in the built and natural environment. It is the highest representative body for members of the profession, and with these new market seats, will ensure the broadest possible input from sectors and locations in which we operate.

RICS Governing Council Elections 2019:

Using the social media hashtag #GCElections2019 it is profoundly important that both as qualifying and non-qualifying members of the Surveying profession, we take note of the voting process, as emphasised [here] by Diane Dumashie FRICS. Some of our younger Members have also requested details of the election process and the following are some of the most common FAQs:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Governing Council and what is its role?

Governing Council is established under the RICS Royal Charter and Bye-Laws and is the top decision-making body, which sets the strategic direction for the organisation as a whole.

The majority of Governing Council members are elected. Elections for 15 market seats will be taking place during October and November 2019.

The new Governing Council from December 2019 will be composed of 25 members – the 15 market seats, 6 strategy seats and 4 Officers consisting of the Chair of Governing Council and the Presidential team (President, President-Elect, Senior Vice-President).

How often are elections to Governing Council held?

Ordinarily elections for market seats will take place every 3 years and elections for strategy seats every 4 years.

How do I [as a Surveyor] put myself forward to stand for election?

Fellows (FRICS) Members (MRICS) and Associates (AssocRICS) (collectively referred to as RICS Members) wishing to stand for election to one of the 15 market seats must submit a Nomination Form including a written statement of up to 500 words which demonstrates:

  • Knowledge and experience of setting strategy with demonstrable positive outcomes.

  • Ability to oversee and where necessary challenge progress towards achieving that strategy.

  • Understanding of effective corporate governance, in particular the management of risks.

  • Ability to ensure that organisations are managed with integrity, probity and sound judgement.

  • Ability to bring deep insight from their own market and apply this insight on behalf of the global profession across all the markets in which RICS is involved.

As part of their nomination form, RICS Members will need to obtain the signed support of 5 other RICS Members based in their geographical market area.

RICS Members can choose to follow one of two routes to election – Route 1 (Qualified Election) or Route 2 and completed nomination forms are returned to the Electoral Reform Services by the date shown – with the Members’ contact details displayed on the Nomination Form.

Why are these elections important?

Our world is rapidly changing around us. Population growth, urbanisation, climate change, and the digital revolution are profoundly impacting our profession.

Recent RICS research [completed in July 2017] has revealed that there are five (5) key areas of technology that have been identified as having the potential to significantly impact and/or disrupt the profession:

  • The Internet of Things ‘IoT’

  • 5G Communications

  • Machine Learning & Robotics

  • Building Data; and

  • Distributed Ledger Technology

It goes without saying that RICS is keen to stay abreast of such change and ensure that the public facing level of trust and interest is maintained and upheld, such that future client outcomes are consistently delivered with ever increasing levels of diversity of thought, accuracy and emotional intelligence. That is why RICS need Members [like you] to stand up and help guide RICS and the wider profession through this exciting period by running for and supporting the elected Governing Council.

RICS are looking for individuals who can demonstrate enthusiasm, ambition and a global outlook as well as knowledge and experience of setting strategy with demonstrable, positive outcomes, and the ability to oversee and where necessary challenge progress towards achieving that strategy.

What seats are available in the elections?

There are 15 market seats available for election which are open to all Fellows (FRICS), Members (MRICS) and Associates (AssocRICS) in the respective market areas.

The 15 market seats are as follows:

  • UK and Ireland (2 seats)

  • Europe (excluding UK and Ireland) (2 seats)

  • Africa (1 seat)

  • China (1 seat)

  • Hong Kong (1 seat)

  • India (1 seat)

  • Australasia (1 seat)

  • United States of America (1 seat)

  • Canada (1 seat)

  • Caribbean (1 seat)

  • Brazil (1 seat)

  • Middle East (1 seat)

  • ASEAN (1 seat)

When are the results announced?

The results of the GC Elections will be announced on 22 November 2019.

Where do I go for more information?

More information on the elections please visit the RICS website

Note: it should also be observed that the Founder and Chairman of DiverseCity Surveyors, Bola Abisogun OBE FRICS, is a “Candidate validated by the RICS Nominations Committee” to run for Governing Council in 2019. Please contact us at DCS, if you are interested in observing his Nomination Statement.

DiverseCity Surveyors AGM:

Within the context of the wider RICS membership:

“ is vitally important that we (as BAME professionals) normalise our presence and diminish our absence, from the critical thinking required....” - #AbisogunOBE

The RICS is absolutely keen to both identify with and further develop itself into the many emerging international markets, more a consequence of its own natural evolution as opposed to a post-Brexit requirement. It is also worth noting that whilst many of the established technical competencies remain applicable in many of the global markets that RICS members continue to shape, influence and grow, much of the #FutureSkills agenda [e.g. #QS2030] will challenge even the most competent amongst us to conjure up new ways of working. And with ever increasing technical proficiency required from those emerging and established technological tools that will afford us the opportunity to add-value to our clients, we will be tasked to use technology in ways that perhaps, could be considered futuristic, even in 2019.

The challenge for many DCS [and other RICS] Members will be to recognise the scale of the challenge and to correctly position oneself in the best interests of society and the profession, amidst the availability of incrementally scarce resources. Quantifiable social value, demonstrable social impact and evident social mobility will be critical benchmarks used to determine the sustainability of the Surveyors’ role across the densely populated urban landscape, the world over. In a world that seems to care less for excuses and missed opportunities, it is time to be bold and brave... #StandUp

Notwithstanding, it is indeed a great time to be a Chartered Surveyor, so let’s not rest on our laurels, there is so much to do and get done, against a timeline that seems to be progressing exponentially, for all the wrong reasons. And just as RICS launches its own ‘Value The Planet’ campaign, let us use the limited time that we have each been allotted to personally uphold the basic tenets of our renowned professional ethics. Amongst other things, whilst fully recognising the challenge to deliver the UN’s sustainable development goals, let us show respect for all those desirous of our professional services, and also towards each other, as we dutifully co-exist in the work place.

With less than a month to go, we look forward to seeing you at our first AGM on the 21st November 2019 at RICS HQ in London; and to all those standing for #GCElections2019, may you continue to be blessed in your pursuit of excellence and positive contribution towards our wonderful profession.

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