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Diversifying the talent-pool to build London's emerging skyline.....

Join LET'S BUILD for the first in a series of televised panel debates focused on revitalising the UK construction industry. At each event, a selection of diverse architects, designers, and construction industry leaders will share their experience. Let's Build will be asking attendees to join the debate on the issues affecting the industry today.

“Challenging Who Builds London.....?” At the first event, we’ll be taking a look at who builds our city. We invite you to join our audience to discuss: - Why does the industry need to change? - What can we do to encourage diversity? - How can diversity add value to our cities?

This is an initiative 'led by seasoned professionals across the industry' to encourage and create opportunities for non-traditional architects, designers, construction industry leaders and all manner of built environment professionals, keen to design and build more projects. We want to ensure that London’s design and construction sector becomes more diverse and reflective of the city it serves.

The organisers of the event have decided to proffer an overview of the panellists; the first text to be revealed; read as follows:

".....Our first panellist Bola Abisogun OBE FRICS is the Chair / Founder of the first RICS network for BAME surveyors, DiverseCity Surveyors. Bola was awarded an OBE for services to diversity + young ppl in the construction industry. Stayed tuned for intros to the rest of our panel this week!‬...."

This is the first of 3 events to be held by Let’s Build this year. To register your attendance and secure your ticket, please click the link here

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