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DCS supports launch of BAME in Property

Earlier this month on the 22nd March, Founder and Chair of DiverseCity Surveyors [DCS], Bola Abisogun FRICS attended the launch event of BAME in Property over at the Building Centre, Store Street in Central London - following kind invitation from Ms Priya Shah, Founder of BAME in Property.

Assisted by Alexander Smith MRICS, Head of Comms and Events at DiverseCity Surveyors, both DCS representatives along with other invited guests from various professsions, listened attentively, to passionate testimonies from Ms Shah as well as Mr Jerome Williams, Senior Diversity Manager, Homes for England.

Ms Priya Shah - sharing her story

Further coverage of the event was undertaken by The Planner [the business monthly for planning professionals] and can be seen by clicking here

DCS is keen to engage with and support similar organisations who seek, first and foremost, greater diversity and BAME representation across the built environment professions. To this end, DCS remains keen to further develop and progress the conversation around this very topical agenda with BAME in Property and others, so watch this space for future announcements / events.

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