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Exciting prospects for DCS in 2018......

So the end of 2017 is imminent and what a truly amazing year it has been.

Lots to consider and progress and clearly the surveying profession has taken note and embraced diversity & inclusion [D&I] in its widest possible meaning.

Following a successful launch event during Black History Month over at RICS HQ, we have now received firm interest from the Prime Minister's Office, Policy Unit. We are looking forward to taking a small cohort of DCS members to No. 10, during 2018, to discuss our raison d'etre and wider plans moving forward.

The DCS continues to grow with interest and membership stemming from London, Birmingham and Manchester in the UK along with the USA and West Africa.

The Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors have also expressed a keen interest in the work of DCS and conducted an interview earlier this year, please click here to observe what was discussed with Arif Ghaffur FRICS, PQS, Editor of Construction Economist.

In conclusion, and as we all prepare to settle down for the festive period, it remains for me, on behalf of the DCS Board, to thank EVERYONE who has participated and offered their time and support to DCS during its first few months of 'official' growth - long may it continue.

Wishing you all a very festive season and a healthy, safe and deservedly prosperous 2018 - God willing, see you on the other side..!

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