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Launch of DiverseCity Surveyors Network - 24 October 2017, London

DiverseCity Surveyors - 2017 Logo

Join us to celebrate the launch of DiverseCity Surveyors. With 14% of the working age population coming from a Black or Minority Ethnic (BME) background, employers have got to take control and start making the most of talent, whatever their background. If BAME talent is fully utilised, the economy could receive a £24 billion boost.

You are invited to join us to celebrate the launch of DiverseCity Surveyors, the first BAME network for professionals in the built environment.

Egbert Perry (CEO, Integral Group, USA) will deliver a keynote address which will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Sandra Kerr OBE, Race Equality Director, Business in the Community. Panellists will include Bola Abisogun FRICS, Founder and Chair, DiverseCity Surveyor, Katherine Parker at CSTT and a representative from the Mayor's Office. This will be followed by networking drinks.

The evening will explore recruitment practices and workplace culture, workforce diversity policies for employers, Promoting diverse workplaces and priorities for tackling discrimination and bias and further actions that can be taken to support BME individuals to progress into leadership and management roles.

To book, please email by 18th October 2017.

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