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Logo Design Competition - closes 4th July 2017
Further to a successful start to our marketing campaign and working with the RICS to promote our existence, the London Branch of...
RICS Americas (SE Chapter, Atlanta GA) joins forces with DiverseCity Surveyors
Following several months of very positive dialogue and a fortuitous face to face meeting, afforded to us by our US firm of Accountants'...
CBRE's inaugural MCN event; hosted by K&L Gates
On 25 April 2017, Justin Carty MRICS, Senior Director, CBRE extended an invitation to Bola Abisogun FRICS, Founder of DiverseCity...
Diversity in the Architecture Profession [USA]
1 - "....stand up and speak up for what you want in your profession, don't be afraid to talk to your Employer about the path of your...
Highlights | RICS Diversity & Inclusion Conference 2016
"........everybody offers something different.........(basically) there should be no barriers............" Mark Powell, RNIB Paralympian
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